Oskarovci u Zagrebu!
Jedinstvena prilika za druženje i učenje od oskarovaca

Sjajna prilika za hrvatske stvaratelje da se upoznaju s radom oscarovaca je radionica u organizaciji 4 filma Sound Design koja će se održati od 12.-14. lipnja 2009. godine, u Kinu Mosor u Zagrebu. Polaznici će imati priliku za razgovor i druženje s uvaženim gostima, Kirk Francisom i Benny Dunkerom.
Gospodin Francis je dobitnik Oscara za "Bourneov Ultimatum", i dvije BAFTA nagrade za "Bourneov Ultimatum" i "L.A. Confidential", a pozvali smo ga u Zagreb da bude naš gost predavač na radionici Sound Design koja će se održati 12.-14. lipnja 2009. godine, u Kinu Mosor u Zagrebu.
Benny Dunker iz Babelsburg studia Berlin, radio je na „Bourne Supremacy" i „Bourne Ultimatum", „Inglourious Basterds" (redatelj:Tarantino) te na brojnim drugim filmovima.
Radionica je namjenjena svim osobama koje se bave zvukom: tonskim snimateljima, inženjerima, mikserima, montažerima zvuka. Radionica je za polaznike besplatna, zahvaljujući našim sponzorima - avio kompaniji Lufthansa, restoranima Jilly's, Trilogija, Bota Šare i Stefano, Franck d.d., kinu Mosor - Udruga Pravo na kvart, vodi Cetina i tvrtki Matić, te naravno gosp. Francisu i gosp.Dunkeru, koji su pristali doći u Zagreb i održati predavanja bez financijske naknade.
Radionicu organizira 4 Film d.o.o. iz Zagreba, a sufinancirana je sredstvima Europske Unije.
Workshop SOUND DESIGNERDAY 1 - Friday 12th June 2009
16h - 19h Introduction lecture
16:00h - 16:15h Welcome note and Short introduction
16:15h - 16:30h Brief presentation / self-introduction of the participant
16:30h - 17:15h Mr. Vlado Bozic - Experience in Sound design in region
17:15h - 17:30h Coffee Break
17:30h - 18:45h Mr. Kirk Francis - Introduction about experience, work with different directors, different approaches to the film
18:45h - 19:00h Open floor - Questions & Answers
DAY 2 - Saturday 13th June 2009
9:30h - 11:00h What does it mean to be the SOUND DESIGNER on the film - artistic collaboration with the director, technical and production side, when does the Sound Designer start working on a film and when is his job finished, associates and collaborators (sound recordist, sound editors, foley artist, ADR, sound mixer); different approaches to work - Mr. Kirk Francis & Benny Dunker
11:00h - 11:30h Break
11:30h - 13:00h CASE STUDY 1st part - Mr. Kirk Francis speaks about his work on one film
13:00h - 13:30h Open floor - Questions & Answers
13:30h - 15:30h Lunch break
15:30h - 17:00h CASE STUDY 2nd part - Mr. Kirk Frances speaks about his work on one film
17:10h - 17:20h Break
17:20h - 18:40h CASE STUDY 3rd part - Mr. Kirk Frances speaks about his work on one film
18:40h - 19:00h Open floor - Questions & Answers
DAY 3 - Sunday 14th June 2009
10:00h - 11:30h CASE STUDY 4th part - Mr. Kirk Frances speaks about his work on one film
11.30h - 12:00h Open floor - Questions & Answers
12:00h - 14:00h Lunch break
14:00h -15:00h Closure and overview of the workshop - Mr.Kirk Francis
15:00h - 16:00h Feedback session - conversation with participants of the workshop
16:00h - Farewell party (networking)
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