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Wille & The Bandits stižu u Vintage Industrial 18. travnja

Iza njih je turneja s Deep Purpleom, John Butler Triom te brojni festivali i klupski koncerti koji se diče njihovim energičnim performansom

Miljenici Glastonburyja u Vintage Industrialu
Miljenici Glastonburyja u Vintage Industrialu (Vintage Industrial)
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Vintage Industrial Bar


Wille & The Bandits

U srijedu 18. travnja ulovite sjajni trio Wille & The Bandits (Cornwall, Engleska) koji će publici u Vintage Industrialu pružiti ultimativan koncert u manirima blues rocka s utjecajima Creama i Jimija Hendrixa s moderniziranim zvukom stvara ugođaj sličan My Baby.

Prošle godine na poziv Joea Bonamasse nastupili su na Sena Guitar Awardu u Nizozemskoj.

Iza njih je turneja s Deep Purpleom, John Butler Triom te brojni festivali i klupski koncerti koji se diče njihovim energičnim performansom. 2014. su bili svrstani u Top 10 bendova koje je veliki Glastonbury festival svrstao pod 'must see'.

Komentari glazbenih kritičara i poznatih glazbenika:

"Deemed the new Seasick Steve, but they are much more than that" - Classic Rock

"I love the soul in their music" - Bob Harris BBC

"Wille & the Bandits are taking roots music to a new level" - Rootstime Magazine

"Wille is a superb slide player, I love what these guys are doing" - Joe Bonamassa

"These boys can really groove" - Francis Rossi, Status Quo

"These boys can groove and sing like whiskey angels and it doesn't take long to realise why they belong on the festival circuit." - Glastonbury festival

"This incredibly talented band excels in playing not just one or two musical styles but in fact focus on several genres to an extremely high quality." - Maverick Magazine


New Breed (2010)

Breakfree (2012)

Grow (2013)

Steal (2017)

18.01.2018. 19:01:00
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