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Elvis Costello izdaje novu kompilaciju

"Pomp & Pout: The Universal Years" naziv je nove kompilacije, a bit će objavljena krajem ovog mjeseca

elvis costello
elvis costello (Getty Images)
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Shakira u Zagrebu

Kompilacija će sadržavati 18 odabranih uradaka koje je cijenjeni britanski kantautor snimio za Universal Music u periodu između 1998. i 2008. godine - od albuma "Painted From Memory" do "Momofoku".

Popis pjesama:
Bedlam ('The Delivery Man,' 2004)
Stella Hurt ('Momofuku,' 2008)
No Hiding Place ( 'Momofuku,' 2008)
This House is Empty Now ('Painted From Memory,' 1998)
Impatience ('North,' Japanese edition, 2003)
Tart ('When I Was Cruel,' 2002)
The Sweetest Punch ('Painted From Memory,' 1998)
My Mood Swings ('The Big Lebowski' soundtrack, 1998)
When I Was Cruel No. 2 ("When I Was Cruel,' 2002)
Ascension Day ('The River in Reverse,' 2006)
Dust ('When I Was Cruel,' 2002)
Country Darkness ('The Delivery Man,' 2004)
45 ('When I Was Cruel,' 2002)
In the Darkest Place ('Painted From Memory,' 1998)
The River in Reverse ('The River in Reverse,' 2006)
Monkey to Man ('The Delivery Man,' 2004)
In Another Room ('The Delivery Man: Deluxe Edition,' 2005)
Still ('North,' 2003)

Costello je također najavio izlazak novog studijskog albuma pod nazivom "American Ransom" čije se izdanje očekuje početkom listopada.

11.06.2010. 10:24:03
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