Quaresmi priznanje "Zlatna kanta za smeće"

Fotografija vijesti (Corbis)
Portugalski nogometni reprezentativac Ricardo Quaresma dobitnik je nagrade "Zlatna kanta za smeće" za najlošijeg igrača godine u Serie A ove godine u izboru slušatelja emisije Catersport koja se emitira na talijanskom državnom radiju.
Krilni igrač milanskog Intera, koji je ljetos u klub stigao iz Porta za 18.6 milijuna eura, dobio je gotovo dvostruko više glasova od drugoplasiranog napadača Atalante, veterana Christiana Vierija.
Quaresma je u ovom izboru naslijedio klupskog kolegu Adriana, dobitnika "Zlatne kante za smeće" iz 2006. i 2007. godine. (hina/metro-portal)
09.12.2008. 10:39:46
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is one of the main causes of major injuries on rainy and snowy days.
Lots of people every year suffer a serious injury as a result of slipping.
Society has become more claim conscious about such problems. The
goods displayed in department stores, shopping centers and other
busy stores may be also damaged by the dropping water from shoppers'
wet umbrellas.
The wet umbrella wrapper prevents the floors from getting wet and slippery
due to water from the customers’ wet umbrellas. On top of it, you can
save the cleaning work and maintenance by the workers.
When you install our wet umbrella wrappers at the entrances of buildings,
such problems can be immediately removed, and then you can relieve the
visiting customers’ afraid and raise your company’s best courtesy service
to your valuable customers.
The wet umbrella wrappers should be conveniently and smartly wrapped
in the bags. Otherwise such umbrella wrapping machines will be a source
of anxiety instead of giving the visitors the convenience. Please get more
information on our elegant and quality products and the best wrapping
functions of our wet umbrella wrappers “Smart Pack”.
Keep the entrance area clean and free of water on rainy and snowy days.
Smart wrapping in a single move.
Compact and elegant design.
Easy to place where necessary.
Usable for both short (folded) and long umbrellas.
Fast wrapping for visitors storming in.
Maintenance free.
No electricity or other connection required.
Proven a must on rainy and snowy days.
Our wet umbrella wrappers, Smart Packs are manufactured under the strict
quality control and thoroughly tested and inspected accordingly. We are sure
of that you would be satisfied with the advanced design, smart wrapping process,
reasonable prices, punctual delivery, our best service on the international
business and more.
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